Using social media - useful links
Australian charities underutilising social media fundraising
How charities harness social media to raise awareness money
The non profit organization and social media privacy: should you be concerned?
Social Media and Non Profits - A Case Study
Social media at Great Ormond Street: building community
Why charities need to use social media
50 social media tactics to help nonprofits meet their mission
Bubble Wrapped Children: How Social Networking is transforming the face of C21 adoption
In the light of Martin Narey’s recent report on adoption, Helen Oakwater has pre-released Chapter Zero of Bubble Wrapped Children: How Social Networking is transforming the face of C21 adoption. The chapter is five pages, takes eight minutes to read and is scheduled for publication at the beginning of October. You can sign up for further pre-publication material by registering at Helen's website.
The story of the rights movement of children in care in England. It relates how, from 1973, young people came together to talk about their care, support each other and campaign to improve their lives in care. The story describes how young people during these years experienced their care, including their feelings of stigma and control, as well as, for some young people, abuse at the hands of those who were meant to care for them. But it is also a story of altruism and collective resilience, of how young people came together to improve the lives of other young people, to make their lives, less care less. All the proceeds from the sales of Care Less Lives will go to support the work of A National Voice and the National Care Advisory Service.